Books by Nancy
The Blue Egg, A Memoir
(Sunstone Press, Santa Fe, New Mexico) by Nancy Hopkins Reily, Illustrated by Byron Jones. Paperback, 2017, 52 pages. (ISBN-10: 1632932024, ISBN-13: 978-1632932020, $16.95)
Nancy Hopkins Reily writes of viewing a painting at Georgia O’Keeffe’s Abiquiu, New Mexico home on Christmas Eve, 1953. As a nineteen-year-old woman, Reily wondered what the painting was – an unfinished painting or a blue egg. But she realized that something important was going on in the house.
One viewing of anything can spark steps for a journey lasting a day, weeks or years. Reily takes you on her long, long journey of discovery of the painting she called “The Blue Egg.”
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Paperback - ISBN-10: 978 16329 32024 $16.95
ISBN - 13: 978-163293 2020
E-book -ISBN: 978-1-61139-528-0 $4.99