Books by Nancy
Half-Past Winter. Second Beginnings: My Story, So Far
(Sunstone Press, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 2013), nonfiction, 121 pages. Nancy Hopkins Reily thought she knew everything she needed to know when she published I Am At An Age in 1990 at age fifty. Reily had compiled her life’s experiences with metaphors using the mountains as background. Six months after the book was published she realized she had more to learn: in-laws, sandwich generation, writing, sixty-four lines of genealogy, over thirty-four years of journals, laurels, her aging and grandchildren. She knew she would have to write a sequel. And here it is, all these years later.
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Hard cover - ISBN 978-0-86534-889-9 $35.00
Soft cover - ISBN 978-0-86534-278-1 $19.85